Tuesday, December 7, 2010

First Attempt

So this is my first attempt at writing on a blog. I have a feeling that it will go the way of all my other endevours; ie. be obsessed with writing everyday and then it will fade out over a few weeks. But I will try and keep it going as much as possible. Probably no one will ever read it anyways.
As the title suggests I hope to write down my views from a life led not to its fullest. I have lots of advice that I love to share with others even if its not helpful or wanted. So this page may become a bunch of sayings and ramblings about my thoughts on such varied topics as love, relationships, work, friendships, holidays, or maybe even puddings. I am not sure. The world is pretty big.
So lets see how this goes. Hold on if you are reading and please join in the conversation. Ask questions, make comments, or just say hi. I like communication and would like to know what you think of my life's commentary.
