Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Hello there.
So I am trying a new tactic for this blog. At first it started out as something to write my opinions down on for sarcastic and (hopefully) comedic purposes. Hence the title. Yet that lasted a whole two posts as I realized that I really didn't have any observations to make fun of on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong I see plenty of things daily to make light of, but I am just lazy to jot them down for a blog post. So I decided to take a different path with it. Inspired by my friend Alice's blog I decided to just make it weekly and talk about one thing that is important to me. Hopefully I will still bring clever observations and humor to it, but I will not have to strain myself to do it. So here goes a second try.

        Actually I am writing this post while sitting on a bed in my parent's home in the middle of the night. I decided to come "home" for a week just cause I had the time and no other plans were coming to fruition. I know that sounds like a lame excuse and that I only came "home" cause there was nothing better. That's the truth. In some form.
        I was hoping that I would spend this time away from work looking at a prospective new job or city or whatever during this time. Yet due to my extreme procrastination I had not one appointment for an interview lined up nor any lodging plans. So "home" it is. Where the bed is always free and appointments are drop-ins only.
        Its no secret that I don't like where my situation has kept me. Don't get me wrong the experiences I have had; the people I have met; and the world that I have explored will always be precious to me. Its just that I don't like where my life is right now. I miss doing what I truly am good at and love to do and I miss those people who love me the most being there to see me do those things. Basically I miss "home". When I come "home" I usually spend the majority of the time being the most boring person imaginable. I laze around the house watching tv and wasting time on Facebook. Or I watch tv and waste time playing video games. Or I watch tv and waste time sleeping. (Beginning to see a pattern here.) Yet never once do I think to myself that I would like to be anywhere else. Cause here I am allowed to be and do all those things without any reservations. Here I am allowed to not do anything. And that is nice.
      Whenever I head "home" I never tell any of my friends of the past that I will be in the area. Its not that I don't like them or want to see them, its just that I don't want to schedule my life. Sounds strange I know, but I kinda like the idea of doing what I want when I want. Thus it leads to many nights alone and some feelings hurt when I do finally contact them to say I am in town as I didn't give fair warning. Yet I do like to stop in on my friends unannounced; usually at their places of business. But every now and then I spend a little time with a  long time friend which really puts the idea of "home" in my head. Its not just a building that I grew up in, but a conglomeration of people, experiences, and memories. That's "home."
        And its the only place I want to be right now. A place where laziness rules. Where walks late at night can be taken without fear of the things that go bump in the night. Where people will be around to be surprised. Where I can sit out on the porch listening to wind chimes ringing out the breeze very much like it did in my younger days. And where the squeals of the newest family member call out through the house and are heard not as an annoyance, but as a blessing upon the ears. If I could have any wish right now in my life it would be to make "home" my Home.

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