Sunday, June 12, 2011


Another night.

       Another night at home where I really want to be, and another night closer to my return to life as usual. Not too excited about that. But oh well. Thought I would come sit out on the porch and write down my thoughts before I go spend some time with the family. By the way I really do cherish the weather at nights around here. Its so peaceful and cool. A nice breeze sweeps through my yard pushing the glowing fireflys around like ripples on the water. The sound of a very muffled conversation from the neighbors open window is the only sound one can here. (That is until the baby inside wakes from her slight slumber.)

       Speaking of babies I have a confession to make here. Its an opinion of mine that has, in times, gotten me on the wrong side of some of my more paternally inclined friends. I am not a fan of babies as a general rule. But lets get something straight I like kids and hopefully one day would love to have a daughter or two of my own, yet as for the time of newborn through infant I have never been a fan.
        I think it stems from my love of singularity. I love being around people, but usually people who share my desire for peace and serenity. There are times when life is just perfect when you shut down all your senses to the noise and descend into an abyss of nothingness and quiet. Babies, in general, don't descend into anything except loudness and uncomfortability. Before you start judging me I am fully aware of the reasoning behind the crying and loudness of babies. All that aside it doesn't mean I am genetically coded to be a fan.
         Now having said that I must now contradict myself in one simple aspect. And that simple aspect's name is Annastasia Marie. My niece. Yes, thats correct, my one prejudice into this forray is also my bias. As a newborn I would still state my previous idea with all certainty, but now that she is a little bit older I have to amend it.
          Its funny how a small personality trait such as a smile can change your whole view on a situation. When I see this little baby smile it makes me feel like the funniest person in the world. Her eyes pierce into my heart as she looks at the strange man that holds her. And even though its completely gross her slobbering all over my thumb trying to use it as a teether is just fine by me.
          There are still times that I apply my aversion to babies to my little kinswoman. And those times are when things come out. I have had my first test as a matter of distributing food to the young one, but I refuse to clean up the aftermath of such food. That's what mommy and grand-mommy are for. Or daddy, cause even though I would bet against it everyday, he is fantastic with her. My brother has taken on the role of father with gusto and an enthusiasm that I never in all my days have seen come from him. Kinda heroic and inspirational to his younger sibling I must say.
            Whoops, the peaceful joy that was my back porch has now be disturbed by said little one's squeal. At least I know that that means she is happy and recently fed. Now comes time for play with Uncle. At least until digestion has finished. So I will say adieu to you for now. Till next time.

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